More About Me

Home is where the heart (truth) is!

More than 20 years ago the metaphysical community prophesied that the LIGHT would come out of the North to assist the ascension of the collective to move into a higher vibration or dimension. This intense energy has been here for the past several years and I am so grateful to be able to share these energies with you at this important global crossroad and bridge to multi-dimensional realities. Truly in service in offering you creative empowerment to help you find your own balance and perhaps earthly purpose, I can assist you in the attainment of these higher spiritual dimensions through my work. My connection activates the highest potential as a kick-start to your own spiritual journey or a balance of your own Divine masculine and feminine energies no matter where you find yourself on the spectrum. You are after all, a spiritual being bravely choosing a human experience, and not the other way around, and we are after all here to unite and empower starseeds/lightworkers.


“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.”

Wise words of Albert Szent-Gyorgi, Nobel Laureate in Medicine

Feelings and Perceptions about Chere and her work


AZ, Sardinia

“I have met Chere through a friend as I needed healing on a different level than I have done so far.  I had exhausted my options and she came to the rescue.  Her ability to sense and connect with what needs to be released is incredible.  She uses various techniques depending on what she sees which makes the whole process very profound.  I always feel her healing vibrations and the results come nearly immediately followed by tranquility, peace and clarity of mind.  She is a true giver with a big heart and I am blessed to have met her.”

AA, Sweden

Chere is a brilliant healer with many skills.  For me she is a shamanic goddess with gifts and talents walking on earth and working with her deep knowledge from her soul, life experience and education.  I recommend her and her high energies. Light language is another beautiful and excellent gift. Therefore her talents are a combo and you will get the most out of it, if you choose several treatments.She’s love inside and out.  I am forever grateful.

MHL, Sweden

“Chere är en strålande healer.  Jag lyfts upp av healing från Chere.”

KT, US and Sweden

“Chere’s sessions are not miracle, overnight cures.  They are organic, ongoing, subtle and substantial changes that continue long after her sessions end.  Chere’s techniques are honed by intuition and complete presence of mind.”

DvD, Holland

“Chere heeft mij een aantal keren fantastisch geholpen.  Haar healings zijn rustgevend en helpen je op weg naar nieuwe inzichten die je in je dagelijks leven enorm ondersteunen.”

MB, Sweden

“En healing med Chere är som en resa in i själen, den lämnar dig centrerad och lugn samtidigt som den hjälper dig att se dina gömda skuggsidor så du kan arbeta med dig själv och utvecklas. Jag rekommenderar Chere av hela mitt hjärta.”

RA, South Africa

“Highly intuitive, heart of gold, with only good intentions for her clients, Recommended!”


“Warm, compassionate, generous, heartfelt, powerful healer. Her newest gift is Light Language which is soul touching and brings such healing.”

KP, Germany, La Gomera, Canary Islands

“Ich kann Chere’s Lichtsprachen Sessions von ganzem Herzen empfehlen. Als offener Kanal für Lichtsprachen Heilfrequenzen  kann sie sehen, was ich fühle und hat mir in vielen Situationen Klarheit und auch physische Heilung gebracht. Sie öffnet ein enormes Feld von Licht und Liebe,  wo Heilung mit Leichtigkeit und Freude geschieht.”

ML, Sweden

“I am grateful for the deep, loving healing.”

TN, Finnish Gypsy

“Jag upplevde Chere som väldigt spot on och empatisk från första början. Det gjorde mig trygg att gå på behandling hos henne.”

BB, Norway

“Chere Nelson har et stort hjerte og tilstendeværelse. Hun utstråler mye varme, glede og skaperkraft. Hun evner å gå i dypet med det hun engasjerer seg i og bruker mange ulike teknikker i sin healingpraksis. Samtidig som hun har bena trygt plassert på jorden, er hun veldig fölsom, åpen og nysgierrig. Jeg er veldig takknemlig for all hjelpen hun var gitt meg, gir henne mine varme anbefalinger.”

BC, Guernsey

I have had the honour of knowing and working with Chere for over a decade. She is a remarkable healer and light worker. When she calls to Source and speaks to your spirit in light language you feel it! Her spirit guides, from Native American to the ancient civilisations are always present.

But it is her heart, her honesty her humility, her integrity and her love that touches your soul and reminds you that you are already perfect.

What I deliver

I deliver always as a full-time Manifesting Generator, but to you as a client:

Light Language Transmissions

For balance in body, mind, and spirit

Frequency shift Healing

Frequency Shift Healing Energy

Calligraphic Art

Creating an Awareness of Beauty through Words

My Sessions

In person or by distance Workshops, Events and Sessions

Labyrinthine Healing

Access to Labyrinthine Healing

Plan a Visit

I would be honored to work with you

You can contact me to set up an in-person appointment at Ravenwood or I can easily work by distance which is where I do most of my international work. I can meet you on Zoom, it can be recorded OR I can send a voice recording of your Light Language Session by email. Actually this is most effective as you can listen again to the transmission to receive its unfolding organic healing.

This website is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical, psychiatric or other licensed care.