Labyrinthine Healing

The Healing Power of nature

Below Ravenwood, in a Beech forest (representing Divine Feminine Energy), lies an ancient 7 ring Classic Swedish labyrinth, newly created by a wonderful group of my friends, and which is now ready for your walk into increased spiritual communion, clarity and healing resonance. When you step in with a clear intention and walk meditatively with focus, you will begin a healing process of clarity and resonance. It is open at all times, and used by many people.

More information on labyrinths

Any labyrinth is a wandering path,  with a circuitous route to the center, and back out again.  Our labyrinth is a 7 circle, right handed, of the classical variety, which means as you enter you move to the right.  About ⅔ of the ancient ones were of this category.  They date back over 4000 years, and were used for ceremony, walking meditations, and for personal use to invoke mindfulness and transformation.

Plan a Visit

I would be honored to work with you

You can contact me to set up an in-person appointment at Ravenwood or I can easily work by distance which is where I do most of my international work. I can meet you on Zoom, it can be recorded OR I can send a voice recording of your Light Language Session by email. Actually this is most effective as you can listen again to the transmission to receive its unfolding organic healing.

This website is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical, psychiatric or other licensed care.