Labyrinthine Healing
The Healing Power of nature
Below Ravenwood, in a Beech forest (representing Divine Feminine Energy), lies an ancient 7 ring Classic Swedish labyrinth, newly created by a wonderful group of my friends, and which is now ready for your walk into increased spiritual communion, clarity and healing resonance. When you step in with a clear intention and walk meditatively with focus, you will begin a healing process of clarity and resonance. It is open at all times, and used by many people.
More information on labyrinths
Any labyrinth is a wandering path, with a circuitous route to the center, and back out again. Our labyrinth is a 7 circle, right handed, of the classical variety, which means as you enter you move to the right. About ⅔ of the ancient ones were of this category. They date back over 4000 years, and were used for ceremony, walking meditations, and for personal use to invoke mindfulness and transformation.
Plan a Visit
I would be honored to work with you
You can contact me to set up an in-person appointment at Ravenwood or I can easily work by distance which is where I do most of my international work. I can meet you on Zoom, it can be recorded OR I can send a voice recording of your Light Language Session by email. Actually this is most effective as you can listen again to the transmission to receive its unfolding organic healing.